Alessandro Pondi


Enrico Brignano, Gabriella Pession, Paola Minaccioni, con la partecipazione di Fortunato Cerlino

Details (pdf)


Ever since the age of seven, when he saw his first James Bond film, Maurilio Fattardi had always dreamt of becoming a secret agent. Today he is Head of Security at a shopping center where he has himself addressed as “Agent Mao.”

Mao lives alone in an apartment in Rome. From his window facing the courtyard, he spies on his fellow tenants, about whom he knows everything! One day, a new tenant arrives and moves into the apartment opposite his. A very attractive – albeit moody – woman, her name is Rita and she works as a flight attendant.

One evening, Maurilio witnesses a furious quarrel between her and a man. The play of shadows that he sees suggests that the man is wrapping his hands around her throat. That can only mean murder!

But when Maurilio returns to Rita’s apartment with the police, there is no longer any sign of the corpse. What’s more, who appears at the door gaping at them in shock, if not Rita herself?! What are they doing in her house?

The truth is never what it seems to be and everyone tries to hide their secrets. Despite absolutely everything militating against them, clue after clue the twosome manages to reconstruct a series of murky secrets until uncovering the truth – the real truth this time around. Plus a lot more.

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